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"A Century of Colours" Children's Creative Collage Competition |
21 Feb - 14 Apr 2024 Selected POPULAR/HARRIS Bookstores |
How To Participate? 参赛方法
Step 1 步骤一
- Spend a minimum of RM20 in a single receipt & collect the drawing sheet at selected POPULAR/HARRIS bookstores.
- 于指定大众书局门市/HARRIS书店单据消费满20令吉并索取画纸即可参加。
Step 2 步骤二
What to draw? 画些什么?
- Draw your wonderful memories with POPULAR in the numbered area.
- 用创意把您与大众书局的美好回忆画在编有号码的范围内。
Step 3 步骤三
- Submit your completed artwork with complete personal details to the selected POPULAR/HARRIS bookstores stated below by 17 Mar (Sun).
Terms and Conditions:
- This competition is open to all Malaysians between the ages of 7 to 12 years old.
- The competition will run from 19 Feb –10 Mar 2024. The organiser reserves the right to extend the closing date if deemed necessary. All entries received after the closing date will be disqualified.
- Participants are required to spend a minimum of RM20 in a single receipt at selected POPULAR/HARRIS bookstores and will be entitled to participate in the competition.
- Participants are allowed to use any brand of oil pastel. No other colouring material is allowed.
- IC number must be stated. Incomplete details will be disqualified.
- All entries will become the sole property of POPULAR Book Co. (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and will not be returned.
- The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
- The winner will be notified via POPULAR Malaysia official Facebook page and email, so please ensure a valid email address is given.
- Winners will be invited to attend the prize presentation ceremony at BookFest @ Malaysia 2024, KLCC on 13 Apr 2024.
- Any costs (i.e. travel expenses) involved to collect the prizes are to be borne by the winners. Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash.
- The organiser reserves the right to use winner's name entries and photographs for publicity and advertising purposes without any compensation or notification to participants and winners.
- The organiser reserves the right to replace the prizes with items of equivalent value without prior notice.
- The organiser reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions, amend or cancel the stated event without prior notice.
- By participating in this competition, participants agree to be bound by the organiser's terms and conditions of the competition organiser.
- 开放给所有年龄介于7至12岁的大马公民。
- 参赛时间为2月19日至3月17日期间, 主办当局有权利延长参赛时间,逾期者怨不受理。
- 参赛者需于指定大众书局门市/HARRIS书店单据消费满20令吉即可参加。
- 参赛者可使用任何品牌的油性蜡笔,其他着色材料恕不受理。
- 参赛者必须填上身份证号码。凡资料不完整者一律作废。
- 主办当局有权力保留所有参赛作品, 恕不退还。
- 评审团的决定乃最后决定, 任何异议恕不受理。
- 得奖者可通过电邮及POPULAR Malaysia官方面子书获悉得奖成绩,请务必填上有效电邮地址。
- 得奖者将被邀请出席在2024年4月13日于KLCC举办的第十八届海外华文书市颁奖典礼。
- 领取奖品所涉及的任何费用(即旅费)均由得奖者承担。奖品不可转让或兑换现金。
- 主办当局有权使用得奖者的名字、资料和照片作为宣传或其他商业用途, 而不需向参賽者及得奖者支付任何费用或给予通知。
- 主办当局有权在不事先通知的情况下,以相等价格的奖品来取代原定奖项。
- 主办当局保留权利取消或更改以上活动,恕不另行通知。
- 一旦参加并提交您的作品, 代表您同意我们的参赛规则。

For enquiries, please contact:
Popular Book Co. (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 03-9179 6147 (Zoies)