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Type : DVD
Language :  Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555652705861
RM 29.90 NETT (WM)
RM 29.90 NETT (EM)

Yuta Hibiki awakens with amnesia and the ability see things that others cannot. He first encounters a Gridman in the reflection of his friend Rikka Takarada's computer and it tells him to "Remember his calling," but Yuta doesn't understand what this means. Later, in the distance, he sees an extremely large monster but it doesn't move. It's only when Yuta gets to school that the two sightings make sense: a monster attacks and the hero Yuta saw in the computer screen pulls him within the computer and transforms Yuta into a giant hero named Gridman.

居住在踯躅台的高中1年级学生响裕太,某天醒来后失去了记忆。之后,裕太与旧电脑里显现出来的“Hyper Agent Gridman”相遇了。 Gridman告诉裕太“去完成使命”,而裕太则开始寻找这番话的意义以及自己的记忆。虽然对这一突发事件感到困惑,裕太仍然在同班同学内海将以及宝多六花、新条茜等人的帮助下过着每一天。然而,平稳的日子被突然现身的怪兽轻易地踏碎——

Yuta Hibiki bangun semula dengan amnesia dan keupayaan dapat lihat benda tak terlihat orang yang lain. Pertemuan pertamanya dengan Gridman muncul di dalam komputer kawan Rikka Takarada dan dberitahu olehnya untuk "Ingat Tentang Misinya," namun Yuta tak faham apa maksud ini. Sejurus kemudian, dari jarak jauh, dia ternampak raksasa bukan main besarnya tapi tidak bergerak. Manakala timbul dua senario munasabah bila sahaja Yuta bersekolah: raksasa menyerang dan wira Yuta nampak dalam skrin komputer menyeretnya masuk ke komputer dan mengubah Yuta kepada wira gergasi bernama Gridman.

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