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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555499411840
RM 159.90 NETT (WM)
RM 159.90 NETT (EM)
唐初,在一代明君李世民的治理下,国家逐渐从隋末的千疮百孔中恢复.国公之子盛楚慕(许凯饰)是长安城里有名的纨绔子弟,他对商女傅柔(李一桐饰)一见钟情.在得知傅柔喜欢积极向上,有才干的人之后,盛楚慕痛改前非,开始拜师学艺.原本此举只是为了赢得傅柔的心,可盛楚慕在看到国家外有海盗滋扰,内有宵小作乱的现状,意识到自己作为武将之后,大唐子民肩上的重担,决定为国家安定贡献出自己的力量.与此同时,傅柔被盛楚慕的努力所打动,然而却阴差阳错的进了宫做女官,不能与盛楚慕朝夕相处. 在宫中的历练当中,傅柔发现了许多阴暗面,也因此被贪婪成性的大唐功臣侯君集打击报复.他为了掩饰自己的罪行,害得傅柔家破人亡不说,还将黑手伸向了盛家,伸向了在外征战的盛楚慕.面对各种的阴谋诡计,人心倾轧,盛楚慕和傅柔联手一一化解.最终两人克服重重难关,终成眷属 .


Born into privilege as the son of one of the founding pillars of the Tang Empire, Sheng Chu Mo has never had any desire to do more than enjoy the ease of his own life. With no aspirations, no direction, and no ambition, his life was one of idleness and frivolity but all that changed, the day he first laid eyes on Fu Rou. The daughter of a local merchant, Fu Rou never imagined she would be one to inspire greatness in anyone, but when she meets Sheng Chu Mo for the first time, that’s exactly what happens. Instantly enamored by the far superior Fu Rou, Chu Mo is suddenly aware of his own shortcomings and vows to make himself worthy of Fu Rou’s love. Dedicating himself to his studies, Chu Mo grows in knowledge and maturity, hoping that someday he will be worthy enough to ask for Fu Ruo's hand in marriage. As time passes, he finds himself following in his father’s footsteps, volunteering to selflessly serve the country by defending the coast against a band of marauding pirates. While Chu Mo’s journey towards greatness sets him down one path……

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