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![]() YOU ARE MY GLORY 你是我的荣耀 (HD RECORDING 高画质摄制) (8DVD) Type : DVD Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin] EAN No : 9555499414421 RM 99.90 NETT (WM) RM 99.90 NETT (EM) Description: 剧情介绍 阔别十年,乔晶晶意外的星光闪耀,高中拒绝过她的男神却似乎已经泯然众人。时光匆匆,他们已经有十年没见了。或者这么说也不对,其实他到处可以见到她,在各种新闻媒体、各种大小屏幕, 甚至地铁广告、公车站牌上,处处都有她的身影。看着不远处那个朝他盈然而笑的女子,于途不能免俗地恍惚地觉得——他大概遇见了一个奇遇。乔晶晶也在看着于途,她想,有句话,很流行的,怎么说来着。哦,好像是——归来仍是少年。她在滚滚红尘中奔波名利,而这个人却一如既往,眼神清澈 。时光匆匆,你依旧在我心中闪耀,我是否也能成为你的荣耀?二人在追梦路上努力坚守,在浪漫奇遇中相互鼓励,终成彼此的荣耀。 Synopsis A story that follows an aerospace engineer Yu Tu and the shining star Qiao Jing Jing. A decision is made to start gaming in order to save her endorsement deal brings her face to face with an old crush. As they grow closer, the two forge ahead to become each other's glory. Being a well-known celebrity, Qiao Jing Jing has to keep up with appearances in order to maintain her multi-faceted image. Alas, one starts to crack when someone leaks a video of her playing an online game and being terrible at it which is completely inconsistent with the image she has created for herself as the game's ambassador. Thus, she joins a gaming competition to prove her skills and to prevent herself from losing her endorsements. < BACK |