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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555652705960
RM 49.90 NETT (WM)
RM 49.90 NETT (EM)
After many trials and tribulations, Iruma Suzuki is finally happily living among demons despite having to hide his true identity as a human. Even more so, he has now found his ambition in life: keep ranking up in this world! However, that plan is halted when Iruma's club is temporarily dismissed, and he is forced to be part of the student council, known for its strictness toward rowdy students. Its cold-hearted president is Amelie Azazel, Iruma's friend. Although Iruma is not used to following their rigid schedule and many rules, he still wants to prove himself and help Amelie alongside all of the other members of the council. But trouble arises when Amelie's personality completely changes due to strange circumstances, putting the student council's reputation in jeopardy. Will Iruma be able to save them and avoid having the whole school turn into pure chaos?


Selepas banyak ujian dan kesengsaraan, Iruma Suzuki akhirnya hidup bersama setan dengan gembira walaupun perlu menyembunyi identity manusianya. Tambahan pula, kini dia jumpai cita-cita dalam hidupnya: terus meningkat pangkat di dunia ini! Namun, pelan itu terhenti bila kelab Iruma dibubar buat sementara, dan dia dipaksa menjadi sebahagian majlis pelajar yang tegas. Amelie Azazel, presiden majlis pelajar yang berhati dingin, ialah kawan Iruma. Walaupun Iruma tidak biasa mengikuti jadual dan peraturan tegar mereka, dia masih membukti dirinya dan membantu Amelie bersama dengan ahli majlis lain. Akan tetapi, masalah timbul bila personality Amelie berubah sepenuhnya disebab oleh keadaan pelik, menyebabkan reputasi majlis pelajar dalam bahaya. Adakah Iruma dapat menyelamatkan mereka dan mengelak seluruh sekolah menjadi huru-hara?

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