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SIGNAL:CHOKI 长期未解决事件搜查班真人剧场版 (DVD)

EAN No : 9555329264486
RM 21.90 NETT (WM)
RM 21.90 NETT (EM)
Fifteen years ago, a female child was kidnapped on the way from school. At that time, Saegusa Kento, who was a first-grader in elementary school student, witnessed the girl being taken away. A few days later, the girl was found in the dead, and detectives Ooyama Takeshi and Iwata Kazuo continued to investigate the crime but the culprit was not found. As time went by, Kento started distrusting the police. Fifteen years later, Kento is now a police officer and criminal profiler. One day, Kento finds a walkie-talkie that allowed him to get in contact with the past Takeshi. Police officers Kento, Takeshi, and Misaki then set on a journey to solve cold cases. 警察三枝健人年幼时,曾经历过朋友被绑架杀害的案子。他当时目击朋友被神秘女人带走,虽然他把此事告诉了警方,却不被重视,案子遂成悬案。就这样过了十五年 ,在该案的追诉时效将到期时,三枝从一部已被报废处理的无线电中听到了声音。那声音的主人,是与健人一样在追查案件的刑警,对方谈起与案件相关的线索。起初,健人不相信,但是他到了无线电中的刑警所说的地方时,竟真的发现了白骨。此后,经过与那位刑警的交流,健人得知对方是生活在过去的人。二人通过神秘的无线电互相帮助共同解决悬案
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