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DRIFTING 浊水漂流真人剧场版 (DVD)

EAN No : 9555329265308
RM 21.90 (WM)
RM 21.90 (EM)
Just out of jail, Fai finds a spot on a street corner where other homeless people welcome him. But he doesn't get much time to settle in. The police soon chase them away, and their possessions disappear into a garbage truck. Young social worker Ms Ho thinks it's time to fight this in court. In the meantime, Fai and his friends have other concerns. 2012年2月15日,农历正月,正值当年最冷的一天,警察、民政署和负责市容洁净的食物环境卫生署在没有事前通知下,于深水埗通州街天桥(即西九龙走廊)附近突击清场(俗称“洗太平地”),将40多名露宿者的仅有家当全数视作废物弃掉。事后露宿者在社工组织的协助下联合控告政府,但政府只肯向每位露宿者赔偿二千港元,并拒绝应露宿者要求道歉。电影故事围绕一年诉讼期间露宿者们的群居生活
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