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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555329260099
RM 43.90 NETT (WM)
RM 43.90 NETT (EM)

After successfully passing his Provisional Hero License exam, Izuku "Deku" Midoriya seeks out an extracurricular internship with a professional hero agency. At the recommendation of his mentor All Might, Midoriya lands a position under All Might's former sidekick, Sir Nighteye, now a famous hero in his own right. As Midoriya's classmates further their own abilities through various internships, up-and-coming villain Kai Chisaki utilizes his terrifying powers to gather favor in the criminal underworld. Known by the moniker Overhaul, Chisaki's ambitions collide with the League of Villains and its leader, Tomura Shigaraki. Through his work with Sir Nighteye, Midoriya discovers Chisaki's crime syndicate and the villain's hostile relationship with a mysterious young girl named Eri. Fearing for the child's safety, Midoriya and his upperclassman Mirio Toogata must work together to put an end to Chisaki's reign of terror.

这是一个人类理所当然拥有超能力“个性”的世界。被称为「笨久」的“无个性”少年·绿谷出久与憧憬的No.1英雄欧尔麦特相遇,被其发现绿谷隐藏的英雄资质,从欧尔麦特手中继承了“个性” One For All。笨久进入了英雄辈出的名门高中·雄英高中,以成为用“个性”拯救社会和人们的英雄为目标,和同学们一起度过了充满考验的每一天。 虽然打倒了宿敌All For One,但欧尔麦特也用尽了力量,便从职业英雄隐退。笨久继承了他的遗志,拿到了「职业英雄临时执照」,又接近了“最棒的英雄”一步。这时,笨久遇见了雄英三巨头中的一位,在职业英雄夜目爵士手下进行校外实习的三年级学生·通形未吏生。其压倒性的实力,让笨久更加向往在职业英雄事务所参加可以真正进行英雄活动的校外实习。另一边,不安分的团体·死秽八斋会的年轻头领解修师,与继承了All For One意志的敌人联军首领死柄木吊进行了接触。之后,在解修师的身旁,出现了一位少女的身影。 笨久与英雄候补生们即将与新的 “威胁” 进行战斗,新的 “使命” 挑战也开始了!!

Selepas lulus dalam peperiksaan Lesen Wira Sementaranya, Izuku “Deku” Midoriya mencari latihan amali tambahan dengan agensi wira professional. Atas pengesyoran mentornya All Might, Midoriya mendapat tempat di bawah bekas pembantu All Might, Sir Nighteye, kini seorang wira terkenal. Bila bekerja dengan Sir Nighteye, Midoriya ketahui sindiket jenayah Chisaki dan hubungan bermusuhan penjahat dengan seorang gadis misteri, Eri. Kerana risau terhadap keselamatan gadis, Midoriya dan seniornya Mirio Toogata bekerjasama untuk menamatkan zaman kezaliman Chisaki.
