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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555329263830
RM 21.90 NETT (WM)
RM 21.90 NETT (EM)
As the southern part of Joseon recovers from a Japanese invasion, the northern border of Joseon has become more vulnerable. Jurchens have gathered in nearby Pajeowi, arousing the suspicions of the Joseon government. 15 dead Jurchen bodies are discovered in a mountain in Joseon. The Jurchens were hunting for wild ginseng. Fearing a possible invasion by the Pajeowi Jurchens due to the deaths of their people, Min Chi-Rok (Park Byung-Eun) implements a plan to ward off an invasion. He travels to the boundary village, located in the most northern part of Joseon, where ethnic Jurchens have lived in Joseon. These people are shunned by both countries. Min Chi-Rok orders village leader Ta-Hap (Kim Roe-Ha) to travel to Pajeowi and spread rumors that a tiger killed the 15 Jurchens. Meanwhile, Ta-Hap's daughter Ashin (later played by Gianna Jun) sneaks off into the mountains to hunt for a plant that promises to bring back even the dead. Her mother is deathly ill.


Bila bahagian selatan Joseon pulih daripada serangan orang Jepun, sempadan utara Joseon menjadi lebih mudah diserang. Jurchen telah berhimpun berdekatan Pajeowi, menimbul kesangsian kerajaan Joseon. 15 mayat Jurchen ditemui di gunung dalam Joseon. Kerana risau Jurchen di Pajeowi menyerang atas kematian orang mereka, Min Chi-Rok melaksanakan pelan menangkis serangan. Dia pergi ke sempadan kampung yang berada di bahagian paling utara Joseon, di mana puak Jurchen tinggal di Joseon. Mereka ialah orang yang dihindari oleh kedua-dua negara. Min Chi-Rok arah ketua kampung Ta-Hap pergi ke Pajeowi dan menyebar khabar angin bahawa seekor harimau telah membunuh 15 orang Jurchen. Sementara itu, anak perempuan Ta-Hap, Ashin menyelinap ke dalam gunung untuk mencari tumbuhan yang boleh menghidup semula si mati. Ibunya jatuh sakit penat.
