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TENSAI OUJI NO AKAJI KOKKA SAISEI JUTSU 天才王子的赤字國家重生術 VOL.1-12 END (2DVD) EAN No : 9555652706448 RM 39.90 NETT (WM) RM 39.90 NETT (EM) Description: TENSAI OUJI NO AKAJI KOKKA SAISEI JUTSU 天才王子的赤字國家重生術 VOL.1-12 END JAP / ENG (E / C) The King of Natra has fallen ill, leaving the only hope for his kingdom to his son, Prince Wein Salema Arbalest. Known to be capable and wise, he is the perfect candidate to become the prince regent. However, if the prince has anything to say about the matter, he would rather sell off the Kingdom of Natra to the highest bidder! Since he wields the authority of the throne, no one can stop Wein from auctioning off the country and using the profits to retire in comfort. All he needs to do is raise the value of the small kingdom to maximize his gains. But whether Wein's grand plan will succeed remains to be seen, as his wit often surpasses even his own expectations—much to the benefit of the oblivious citizens of Natra. 年輕的王子維恩,肩上背負的是一個資源、人才和兵力都很缺乏的弱小國家。文武雙全又深受臣子信賴的他,其實心裡有個不為人知的願望。「好想把國家賣了逃之夭夭啊──!」沒錯,原來王子的真面目是個想過悠哉自在隱居生活的賣國賊!但是,他在外交上討好大國,卻出乎預料地獨佔了利益;與鄰國交戰時本來只打算小贏一點,結果竟大獲全勝。雖然賺得了名聲,卻離賣國目標愈來愈遠,臣民也士氣高昂,讓他騎虎難下!?以天才王子為主角,充滿驚奇的弱小國家經營故事,就此開幕! < BACK |