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警校菜鸟 ROOKIE COPS (3DVD) EAN No : 9555499417507 RM 69.90 NETT (WM) RM 69.90 NETT (EM) Description: 描述一群梦想有朝一日成为警察的大一新鲜人雀跃地进入韩国警察大学就读,但日常的魔鬼训练以及严格执行的规则彻底浇熄取得入学资格的喜悦。魏承现(姜丹尼尔饰)以榜首之姿取得警大入学资格,因此肩负高度期待;但个性好胜、毅然果断的高恩康(蔡秀彬饰)则是等到第二梯次才顺利入学,剧中水火不容的两人总是意见相左、冲突不断,魏承现和高恩康在校园内不断卷入各种状况,极有可能严重影响两人的毕业资格。 A coming-of-age story that captures the spirit, challenges and passion of youth as two students at the Korean National Police University experience life's charms and traumas whilst trying to become full-fledged cops. From bridging generation gaps with harmony to finding their own romance on campus, two very different students work to achieve their dreams and aspirations in the line of duty. < BACK |