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THE GLORY 黑暗荣耀 P1+P2 VOL.1-16 END (4DVD)
Type : DVD
Language : Korean

EAN No : 9555329267456
RM 59.90 Nett (WM)
RM 59.90 Nett (EM)
A high school student dreamed of one day working as an architect. She became a victim of high school violence perpetrated by her fellow students. She dropped out of high school because of the bullying. She then planned revenge on her tormentors and also the bystanders who did nothing. That student is now an adult. She has waited for the leader of her tormentors to get married and have a child. That child is now an elementary school student. The women who was once a victim of school violence, is now the homeroom teacher of her tormentor's child. Her cruel revenge plot begins in earnest.

梦想成为建筑师的文东恩(宋慧乔饰),在高中时期因被朴妍珍(林智妍饰)和全在俊(朴成焄饰)等人校园霸凌而主动退学。数年后朴妍珍当上主播,和财阀河度领结婚生子,但就在孩子上小学后,蛰伏多年的文同恩现身该校担任孩子的班导师,井在周汝正(李到𬀪饰) 和姜贤南(廉惠兰饰)的协助下,幸存多年的她,着手实行精心规划的复仇,要让当年的霸凌加害者为恶行付出代价。。。