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POMPO: THE CINEPHILE MOVIE酷爱电影的庞波小姐(DVD) Type : DVD EAN No : 9555329266961 RM 21.90 nett (WM) RM 21.90 Nett (EM) Description: Pompo The Cinephile The Movie 酷爱电影的庞波小姐 Joelle Davidovich Pomponette, better known as simply "Pompo," is an extremely talented movie producer, having inherited her grandfather's connections and cinematic eye. Despite her promising outlook, Pompo refuses to produce anything other than trashy B-movies. That is, until she hands her assistant, Gene Fini, a script for an ambitious screenplay about the life of a composer and announces that he has earned his first directorial credit. Determined to make the film shine, Gene throws himself completely into his work. However, with an overwhelming workload and a deadline only days away, the aspiring director struggles with what must be sacrificed in the name of creation. 在干练的电影制片人庞波小姐手下担任制作助手的吉恩,是个完全被电影吸引、将看过的所有电影都完整记住的电影迷。他虽然也很憧憬拍摄电影的工作,却认为自己无法做到,于是只好每天过着卑微的生活。但他被庞波小姐委派制作15秒的电视广告,从而体会到埋头于制作电影的乐趣。 某天,吉恩从庞波小姐那里拿到了下一次要制作的电影《MEISTER》的剧本。这是传说中的演员的回归大作,有着令人兴奋到大脑发麻的内容。虽然肯定是会大热的作品……但被指名为导演的,是仅凭电视广告大获好评的吉恩!而同时,女主角也是被庞波小姐的法眼看中的新人女演员。波澜万丈的摄影即将开始 < BACK |