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THE OATH OF LOVE 余生,请多指教 V1-32END (3DVD)

EAN No : 9555329265377
RM 79.90 NETT (WM)
RM 79.90 NETT (EM)
Starring: Yang Zi, Xiao Zhan, Zhai Zi Lu, Daisy Li, Ma Yu Jie, Li Yun Rui 主演: 杨紫, 肖战, 翟子路, 马渝捷, 李沐宸 Language-Chinese中文对白 Subtitle-Chinese/English 中/英 字幕 剧情 即将大四毕业的林之校在毕业前夕跌落人生谷底,父亲患癌住院,不得已放弃外地的名企工作机会,和男朋友分手。所有对于爱情和未来生活的美好想象都在这一刻破灭,恰好这时,父亲的主治医生顾魏走进了林之校的生活。爱情开始的时候,我们往往都不知道是爱情,两个都曾在爱情中受过伤,不相信爱情的人,开始一步一步相识、相知、相爱,有过怀疑和波澜,也有过误会和遭遇人生低谷,但两人在相爱的过程中,愈发感受到对方才是那个能够托付余生的那个人。 Synopsis Lin Zhi Xiao, who is a budding cellist and a junior in the music department at her university is determined to achieve her dreams. Her world comes to a grinding halt when her father is hospitalized and diagnosed with cancer; she and her mother must face many uncertainties. Gu Wei, the doctor in charge of her father's treatment who has been going through a rough time of his own, enters her life firstly in a most awkward and unexpected way. However, as they get to know each other, they begin to form an understanding. As time progresses, they start growing closer. But will love follow -- and will they be able to finally find the happiness that they both need so much?