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EAN No : 9555499411987
RM 119.90 NETT (WM)
RM 119.90 NETT (EM)
Starling: Xing Zhao Lin, Liang Jie, Jinna Fu, Li Jiu Lin, Chang Long, Wang Jia Yin 主演: 邢昭林, 梁洁, 傅菁, 李九霖, 刘雪华 Language-Mandarin中文对白 Subtitle-Chinese/English 中/英 字幕 剧情介绍 在游轮上,美丽活泼的行政助理陈嘉欣(梁洁 饰)邂逅了富家公子王析翊(邢昭林 饰),趣味相投的两人很快就坠入了情网,并且最终携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。婚后,陈嘉欣住进了王家,善良的她对丈夫的家人们非常的好,没过多久,陈嘉欣的腹中怀上了王家的骨肉,可谓是喜上添喜。   可就在这个节骨眼上,陈嘉欣的孩子流产了,无法接受这巨大的丧子之痛,陈嘉欣陷入了绝望和忧郁之中,她和丈夫之间的感情也因此而产生了裂痕。最终,陈嘉欣选择了离开,前往匈牙利深造学习陶艺。一晃眼三年过去,在这三年间,王析翊一直没能够忘记陈嘉欣,一直在苦苦的等她回来。 Synopsis On-board a cruise ship bound for the Bahamas, two people from separate worlds have a chance encounter, transforming them into one another's destiny. The mousy and unassertive admin assistant, Chen Jia Xin meets the handsome, educated, and charming Wang Xi Yi heir to a large toiletries conglomerate. Mistaken identities serve to complicate their impromptu one-night stand, which ensures further contact, once back on land. Family pressures arise from the pregnancy that has Jia Xin agreeing to contract marriage with a divorce clause. The child once born, will remain with Xi Yi, who will marry the woman he loves, dancer, and long-time girlfriend, Shi Anna. Meddling and miscommunication lead to a tragic event. A heart-broken Jia Xin runs away from her feelings and Xi Yi to Hungary where her friend and art broker Dylan is headquartered. Over the following three years, she will establish herself as a potter, thanks to the tutelage of a prominent mentor. Dylan is ever supportive and finds himself developing feelings for Jia Xin.