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Nier: Automata Ver1.1A 尼尔:自动人形 Ver1.1A (Part 1) Vol.1-12 End (DVD)
Type : DVD

EAN No : 9555329267241
RM 25.90 (WM)
25.90 (EM)
The sudden aerial invasion of Earth by < Aliens > and their creations <Machine Lifeforms>led mankind to the brink of extinction. The surviving number of humans who took refuge on the moon to organize a counterattack using <android> soldiers to recapture Earth.However, the war reaches a stalemate as the <Machine Lifeforms> continue to multiply infinitely. In turn, humanity deploys anew unit of android soldiers as an ultimate weapon: <YoRHa>Newly dispatched to Earth <2B> joins<9S>, the analyst currently stationed there, where amid their mission, they encounter a myriad of mysterious phenomena...This is the story of these lifeless <androids> and their endless fight for the sake of mankind.
