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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual

EAN No : 9555329256436
RM 69.90 NETT (WM)
RM 69.90 NETT (EM)
Equipped with cutting-edge weaponry and specialized troops, a private military organization named Mithril strives to extinguish the world's terrorism and all threats to peace on earth. The organization is powered by the "Whispered," individuals who possess intuitive knowledge and the remarkable ability to create powerful devices and machinery. Seventeen-year-old Sousuke Sagara, a sergeant working for Mithril, has been assigned to protect Kaname Chidori, a Whispered candidate. He is ordered to join her high school class and be as close to her as possible to prevent her from falling into enemy hands—that is, if he can safely blend in with their fellow classmates without revealing his true identity. Sousuke, who was raised on a battlefield and has very little knowledge of an average high school student's lifestyle, must adapt to a normal school life to safeguard Kaname. However, enemy forces have already begun making their move, and Sousuke is about to find out that the adversary coming for the Whispered girl may be a lot more familiar than he expects.

1998年,本應在90年代初結束的冷戰因為種種原因而沒有結束,這是一個鐵幕依然存在的時代,美蘇兩個超級大國仍然在明爭暗斗,世界依然被鐵幕分成東西兩大陣營,大國間雖然沒有進行大規模的軍事行動,但是各個小國間的戰爭和衝突依然不斷發生,而各國的情報人員也進行著殘酷的間諜戰,而原本應被裝甲車和戰鬥直升機支配的戰場因強襲機兵“Arm Slave”的出現而發生很大的變化. 幼年遭遇飛機事故,因而在阿富汗長大的男主角相良宗介中士是神秘的國際組織秘銀特殊部隊成員,專門在世界各地即將發生戰爭或武裝衝突的地區執行組織下達的秘密任務,對抗恐怖份子,緩救人質,化解各式各樣危機. 而宗介最新的任務要盡快前往日本,任務內容為偽裝成高中生潛入都立陣代高校,去保護一位16歲的女高中生千鳥要.這位少女似乎和普通的女高中生沒有什麼兩樣,但不知什麼原因卻成為各國間諜秘密爭奪的目標.為了保護千鳥,宗介駕駛著80年代末才在戰場中出現的新式兵器--強襲機兵“Arm Slave”與其他神秘組織對峙.

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