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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555652705380
RM 49.90 NETT (WM)
RM 49.90 NETT (EM)

Despite the defeat of Quinella—the pontifex of the Axiom Church—things have not seemed to calm down yet. Upon contacting the real world, Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya finds out that the Ocean Turtle—a mega-float controlled by Rath—was raided. Due to a sudden short-circuit caused by the raiders, Kirito's fluctlight is damaged, leaving him comatose. Feeling insecure about the people at the Axiom Church, Alice brings the unconscious Kirito back to their hometown—Rulid Village, disregarding her banishment due to an unabsolved crime. Now, Alice is living an ordinary and peaceful life close by the village, wishing for Kirito to wake up.

However, tragedy strikes when Alice notices that the Dark Territory has already started to invade the Human Empire. Reassuming her previous alias, Alice Synthesis Thirty, she promises to defeat the Dark Territory in order to defend the world that Kirito and Eugeo worked so hard to protect.

桐人、尤吉歐、愛麗絲。距離兩名修劍士和一名整合騎士打敗了最高祭司阿多米尼斯多雷特已過去了半年。結束了戰鬥後,愛麗絲在故鄉盧利特村生活。在她的身旁,是失去了摯友,自己也失去了手臂和心的桐人。獻身般支撐著他的愛麗絲,絲毫沒有保留像以前一樣作為騎士的心。『告訴我,桐人.....我到底該怎麼辦.....』然而,讓整個Under World陷入悲劇《最終負荷實驗》的倒數計時,卻毫不留情地推進著。彷彿與之相呼應一般,在《黑暗領域》的深處,暗黑神・貝庫達已經復活了。他率領暗黑帝國的軍隊,為了奪取《光之巫女》,開始入侵了《人界》。指揮“人界”軍隊的貝爾庫利等人決心與《黑暗領域》的軍隊展開前所未有的大戰。但在身邊,依舊看不到愛麗絲以及拯救了《人界》的兩位英...

Selepas menewas Quinella, pontifex Gereja Axiom, semua ini belum beres lagi. Disebab oleh litar pintas tiba-tiba yang disebab oleh penyerang, fluclight Kirito telah binasa dan menyebabkan dia dalam keadaan koma. Alice membawa Kirito yang tidak sedar diri kembali ke kampung halaman mereka, Kampung Rulid untuk menjaga dia.

Namun, tragedi melanda bila Alice sedar Wilayah Kegelapan mulai mencerobohi Empayar Manusia. Dengan pegang semula nama gantinya, Alice Synthesis Thirty, dia bersumpah untuk menewaskan Wilayah Kegelapan demi mempertahankan dunia yang Kirito dan Eugeo berusaha untuk melindungi.


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