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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555329262222
RM 19.90 NETT (WM)
RM 19.90 NETT (EM)
The Stranger By The Beach The Movie 海边的异邦人劇場版

Shun Hashimoto is an openly gay aspiring novelist living in Okinawa who was abandoned by his parents after coming out to them. Mio Chibana is a reserved, orphaned high school student, often found spending his time by the sea. One day, the two meet on the beach, and Shun is instantly captivated by Mio. The days fly by as they slowly begin to grow closer until Mio suddenly announces that he has to leave for the mainland. Three years pass before a 20-year-old Mio returns to Okinawa to confess his love to Shun. However, in those three years, Shun's life has changed. Will he be able to accept Mio's feelings and make such a commitment?

桥本骏是一位住在冲绳的同性恋小说家,某一天他遇到在母亲去世后与亲戚同住的孤儿高中生知花实央,但实央对其的接近表示非常反感,也因此令骏想起自己的父母在发现其性取向后与他疏远一事.两人后来的关系越发亲密,但不久之后实央向骏坦白自己将搬到城市居住,并承诺会保持联络. 三年后,实央突然搬回冲绳,后随即向骏表白.骏认为两人的爱情会剥夺实央的"正常生活”,因此感到非常内疚,并选择疏远这位小他七岁的追求者.与此同时,骏的青梅竹马兼前未婚妻樱子来到冲绳,希望说服前者回去故乡北海道,以探望其病重的父亲.骏不从,并坚持要与实央在一起,但后者却劝说前者返回北海道与家人和解.意识到实央对自己的爱意不假,并从他的话语中得知真相后,骏决定归乡,并邀请实央陪伴他.

Shun Hashimoto ialah seorang novelis gay yang tinggal di Okinawa. Dia tetah diabai oleh ibubapanya selepas dia mendedah identiti gaynya. Mio Chibana ialah seorang pelajar sekolah tinggi yang berat mulut dan sering menghabiskan masanya di tepi pantai. Suatu hari, mereka berdua bertemu di pantai, dan Shun tertawan oleh Mio. Hubungan mereka menjadi semakin rapat, sehingga Mio kata dia perlu beredar ke tanah besar Jepun. 3 tahun berlaku, Mio yang berumur 20 tahun kembali ke Okinawa untuk meluahkan cintanya kepada Shun. Namun, hidup Shun selama 3 tahun ini sudah berubah. Dapatkah dia menerima perasaan Mio dan buat komitmen sedemikian?

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