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Type : DVD
Language : Bilingual [Eng/Mandarin]

EAN No : 9555499414544
RM 139.90 NETT (WM)
RM 139.90 NETT (EM)
主演: 成毅、张予曦、韩栋、宣璐、何晟铭、习雪
Subtitle-Chinese/English 中/英 字幕

大兴文宗年间,宦官专政。文宗与王杨郑禄等人设下“朝露之变”,企图诛杀大宦官仇子梁,不幸事败。宰相王杨满门抄斩,唯独两个孙女死里逃生,妹妹被紫衣局尚宫程兮收养且改名叫程若鱼,姐姐立志复仇改名为烟织并成为仇子梁的义女。七年后新帝齐焱登基,启用紫衣局对抗仇子梁,由此,两姐妹站在了对立的阵营上宿命地重逢了。失忆的妹妹认不出姐姐,姐姐也不认得长成少女的妹妹。为追寻文宗遗诏,性格迥异又势均力敌的两人成为惺惺相惜的对手,而后又成了争锋相对的死敌。当知道自己一直陷害的人竟是亲妹妹时,在复仇漩涡中越陷越深的姐姐,毅然决定牺牲自己拯救妹妹。最终,程若鱼帮助齐焱铲除仇子梁势力。齐焱去世后,珖王即位,决意励精图治,重振大兴 。


In the 9th Century Tang Dynasty-era China, the Emperor is locked in a deadly power struggle with a group of formidable eunuchs who wield enormous power at court. He strikes back by ordering the death of their ringleader Qiu Shi Liang. But the mission is botched. The eunuchs get their revenge by murdering the Emperor’s loyal first minister, along with his entire family. But his twin daughters, later known as Cheng Ruo Yu and Qiu Yan Zhi, escape. The eunuchs now seize yet more power over the royal court, rendering the Emperor a mere puppet. The minister’s two daughters have evaded detection thus far, having gravitated toward very different fates. Yan Zhi becomes part of Qiu Shi Liang’s household and is secretly hell-bent on revenge. Her sister Ruo Yu is on the opposite side, joining a group of military professionals enlisted by young Emperor Qi Yan. The Emperor is determined to rid the scourge of the eunuchs once and for all, and Ruo Yu pledges her life to help him do that – even if it means throwing herself in the path of danger. The duo forms a romantic bond as they get closer. But will the Emperor still trust her when he discovers her true identity – and her connection to his mortal foe?

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