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Type : DVD

EAN No : 9555329266718
RM 49.90 (WM)
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Suisei no Majo 机动战士高达: 水星的魔女
JAP/ENG (E / C / M)

Suletta Mercury leaves her planet and enters the Asticassia School of Technology at the behest of her mother. There, right and wrong are determined through duels between students, and the top-ranking duelist will receive Miorine Rembran as their fiancée—this prize being decided by Miorine's father. When Guel Jeturk, the best pilot in school and Miorine's current fiancé, demands that his betrothed move in with him, Suletta disapproves, so Guel challenges her. Although she emerges as champion, Suletta is subsequently detained on suspicion of piloting a forbidden type of mobile suit—a GUND-ARM, or "Gundam"—which results in her victory being voided. Miorine refuses to accept any more injustices and proposes another duel with even higher stakes. Now, Suletta must triumph a second time, otherwise she will be expelled and the Gundam Aerial that means so much to her will be destroyed.
星元122年—— 在众多企业扩展到宇宙并构筑巨大经济圈的时代,有一名少女自边境地区•水星转来机动战士产业的巨头“贝纳里特集团”旗下的“阿斯提卡西亚高等专门学校”。 她名为斯莱塔•墨丘利。内心纯真的少女随着胸口鲜红的闪烁亮光逐步迈向新世界。
Suletta Mercury meninggal planetnya dan memasuki Sekolah Teknologi Asticassia atas perintah ibunya. Di sana, betul dan salah ditentu melalui pertempuran antara pelajar, pesaing tahap tinggi akan terima Miorine Rembran sebagai tunang mereka – hadiah yang ditentu oleh ayah Miorine. Bila Guel Jeturk, juruterbang terbaik di sekolah dan tunang terkini Miorine, minta tunangnya pindah duduk dengan dia, Suletta tidak setuju, maka Guel mencabar dia.Walaupun dia muncul sebagai juara, Suletta ditahan kerana dicuriga memandu sut mobil jenis larangan – “GUND-ARM” atau “Gundam”, oleh demikian kemenangannya dilucut. Miorine enggan terima sebarang ketidakadilan lagi dan meminta pertarungan dengan kepentingan lebih tinggi. Kini Suletta mesti memenangi kali kedua, jika tidak dia akan dipecat dan Gundam Aerial yang amat bermakna bagi dia akan dihapus.

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