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Type : DVD

EAN No : 9555329268521
RM 23.90 nett (WM)
RM 23.90 Nett (EM)
Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) became a police officer in order to uphold justice. However, rampant corruption within the police force made it impossible for him to remain independent. As a result, he decides to make a name for himself within the police force by controlling organized crime. Nam Kong (Tony Leung Chiu-wai), who seems like gentleman on the surface, operates with a dagger under his cloak. He is socially active among the police force as well as in social circles, laying the groundwork for the empire of corruption he builds with Lui. Nam and Lui, the brains and the brawn working in perfect unison, respectively become Chinese Chief Detective of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon / New Territories in 1962. They lord over organized crime, and lead tens of thousands of policemen. Nam has long seen through Lui's cynicism and naiveté, and has been plotting a hostile takeover of power. When Lui discovers that everything is not as he had imagined, he vows to forcibly regain controlling leadership from Nam.

20世紀70年代,香港廉政公署成立。通過調查主任李子超(許冠文飾)對貪污探長進行追捕,揭開殖民地時代落幕前的篇章。曾因不受賄而飽受壓迫的警察南江(梁朝偉飾)與磊樂(郭富城飾),想要改變現狀,而攜手建立警察貪污制度,並坐上總華探長位置。權利膨脹導致黑白勢力失衡,磊樂太太蔡真(杜鵑飾),因幫其上位而受黑社會遷怒,一直跟隨他們的胖子韓(周文健飾)及嚴洪(譚耀文飾)等人,亦幾近翻臉。 歷史交替,廉政公署全球通緝貪污探長,磊樂與南江隻手遮天的年代謝幕。風再起時,中國香港已不同往昔 。

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