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![]() Good Night World 晚安世界 Vol.1-12 End (DVD) Type : DVD EAN No : 9555329269115 RM 25.90 (WM) RM 25.90 (EM) Description: In the online game "Planet," there is a powerful team of four players. This team goes by the name "The Akabane Family," and its members are a pseudo-family that only exists in the game. Although they aren't aware of it, these four players are actually a broken family in real life. A shut-in older brother. A high-achieving younger brother. A father who is not respected by his own children. A mother who neglects her own household. They do not know the warmth of family. They also don't know that the warmth of their online family is only a passing feeling. And most of all, they don't know they are a real family. Centered on the deeds of the Akabane Family in the online game "Planet," the story features battles against monsters, clashes with other guilds, and the machinations surrounding "Black Bird," the final objective of the game. The tale takes a major turn as it entangles the real world and this real family. 在这混账世界里连接起的家庭故事。在网游《行星》中,有一个号称最强的四人组。四人组的名号是“赤羽一家”。他们是在网游里的模拟家庭。虽然他们本人并不知晓,但他们在现实世界里,也是已经支离破碎的真正家人。家里蹲长子,优等生次子。不受孩子尊敬的父亲,对家庭不管不顾的母亲。他们不知道家人间的温暖。他们不知道网游里的家人间只存在虚幻的温暖他们不知道彼此之间其实是真正的家人。以赤羽一家为中心,在网游《行星》中展开,与魔物的对决、公会间的争斗,以及围绕最终目标“黑鸟”的阴谋诡计。将现实世界与现实家庭卷入其中,故事迎来重大推进—— ![]() < BACK |