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![]() 16 Bit Sensation: Another Layer 16 Bit的感动: Another Layer Vol.1-13 End (DVD) Type : DVD EAN No : 9555329268934 RM 25.90 (WM) RM 25.90 (EM) Description: Konoha Akisato is an illustrator who loves beautiful girls and bishoujo games. She works at a video game studio and aspires to become a super famous illustrator. However, reality did not work out as well as she had hoped. In the present, where mobile games are all the rage, Konoha spent her days as a sub-illustrator just coloring the back of background characters. One day, after some happenings, Konoha got her hand on a masterpiece of a bishoujo game from the owner of a game shop. Thinking back to the golden age of bishoujo games, Konoha opened the package of "Dokyusei" and was suddenly enveloped by a dazzling light, transferring her to the past! She arrived in the year 1992—The golden age of bishoujo games! Now joining a company named "Alcoholsoft," will Konoha be able to think, draw, and create her beautiful girls?! A story about a girl brought to you by her overwhelming love for beautiful girls—"Now, let's start!" 秋里乐叶是热爱着美少女和美少女游戏的插画家。梦想着成为超人气插画家而在美少女游戏制作公司奋斗着,但现实却不顺遂。因为在社交游戏全盛时期的现代,公司转变了方针。乐叶只能担任插画家助手,过着每天绘制路人角色背影的日子。 在某一天,因为意外的原因从游戏店的店长手上拿到了过去的知名美少女游戏。怀念着美少女游戏的黄金时代,打开了《同级生》的外盒后,乐叶突然被耀眼的光芒包围,回过神来她已经穿越时空回到了过去。 乐叶回到的过去是1992年,这时代正是美少女游戏的黎明期。来到了名为Alcohol Soft的公司工作的乐叶,心怀美少女、绘制美少女,她能创造出美少女吗? 献上对美少女游戏绝对的热爱,这名少女的故事—— < BACK |