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![]() Blue Giant The Movie 蓝色巨星剧场版 (DVD) Type : DVD EAN No : 9555329267135 RM 23.90 (WM) RM 23.90 (EM) Description: I will definitely become the world's best Jazz player!" Blue Giant follows Dai Miyamoto, who is a member of the basketball club. While attending junior high school one day, a friend takes him to a live jazz performance, which inspires him deeply. Thereafter, he begins practicing the tenor saxophone by himself, without the ability to read sheet music. Rain or shine, day or night, Dai continues to practice. During his first performance, he is criticized by the audience, however, Dai passionately blows away at his saxophone. A tale of reaching his goal recklessly and sincerely begins. 宫本大家住仙台,每天风雨不改在河边练习吹奏色士风。毕业后,大自于东京寻梦,机缘巧合下,大在爵士酒吧遇上同齡天材钢琴手泽边雪祈,二人一拍即合,与并大的高中同学鼓手玉田俊二组成3人乐团“JASS”。3个热血的年青人,立志登上日本最具分量的爵士乐表演殿堂,发誓要以热情与汗水打动每个人,并升华日本爵士乐。 < BACK |