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Gensou Sangokushi -Tengen Reishinki- 幻想三国志 -天元灵心记 JAP (E / C) In spite of their defeat, the remnant factions of the Taipingtao Revolution continue to resist, plunging China into a seemingly never-ending war. Moreover, the negative emotions left behind by the rebellion's massive death toll begin to form miasma—giving birth to malignant beings called the "wangliang." These creatures can possess humans and turn them into horrifying demons, thus bringing about more deaths and miasma and spinning a vicious cycle that inflicts further despair upon the land. As a countermeasure, the immortal deities known as the "Tianyuan" select certain individuals to be "Hunters." Accompanying them are the "Guizhan," specialists created by the Tianyuan who can absorb miasma and transform into demons themselves, acting as indispensable weapons against the wangliang. After a tragic accident involving an out-of-control Guizhan causes the disbandment of the Sixth Hunter Unit, the Tianyuan designate three promising Hunters—namely Ji Ying, Qiao Xun, and Yan Ding—to reform the group. However, for an unknown reason, the Tianyuan also appoint Xiao Ling—the young Guizhan responsible for the former unit's downfall—to fight alongside the trio. Despite growing tensions, the members of the revived team must settle their differences and collectively use their abilities to attain victory against the common enemy. 故事的背景始于中国古代的三国时期—— 王朝末年。神州中原正迎来群雄割据的时代。各路英杰诸侯借着自身武力讨伐、征战并试图称霸天下。 在暗处的魍魉王企图扩大战乱来增强自己的力量,便盯上了这些英杰们。让魍魉附着在他们身上,延长其乱世纷争,并计划着将世界上的一切全部毁灭,意图破坏其历史之平衡。 为了与之抗衡,名为天元的组织便派出了「魉狩队」,企图与魍魉一决胜负,消灭魍魉王的野心。 其中,曾在始料未及的情况下遭到全灭的魉狩六队如今再度组成。被招集的队员则一个个都是各自有着特殊理由的成员。 身为队长与封印使的应几、净灵使的洵乔、执器使的丁研以及“鬼斩”少女的小灵。彼此各自怀抱着过去的阴影,为了生存、抑或是为了守护伙伴,而奋力于斩尽魍魉。 本作品是描绘着新魉狩六队的活跃、以及其成长的故事。