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TOM AND JERRY 湯姆貓與傑利鼠 VOL.1-141 END+THE MOVIE (2DVD) Type : DVD EAN No : 9555329265841 RM 29.90 NETT (WM) RM 29.90 Nett (EM) Description: TOM AND JERRY 湯姆貓與傑利鼠 (TV)ENG/MAN (E/C) (MOVIE)CAN/ENG/MAN/KOR (E/C/K) Tom is a gray and white domestic short hair cat. He is usually but not always, portrayed as living a comfortable, or even pampered life, while Jerry is a small, brown house mouse who always lives in close proximity to Tom. Despite being very energetic, determined and much larger, Tom is no match for Jerry's wits. Jerry also possesses surprising strength for his size, approximately the equivalent of Tom's, lifting items such as anvils with relative ease and withstanding considerable impacts. Although cats typically chase mice to eat them, it is quite rare for Tom to actually try to eat Jerry, but only to hurt or compete with him as usual in a more intimidating strategy to just taunt Jerry (even as revenge), and even to obtain a reward from a human (including his owner(s)/master(s)) for catching Jerry, or for generally doing his job greatly as a house cat. By the final "fade-out" of each cartoon, Jerry usually gets the best of Tom. 汤姆往往以一只被主人娇坏了的灰色(有时是蓝灰色或灰蓝色,它的皮毛颜色最接近于英国短毛猫)家猫形象出现,杰瑞是一只常常和汤姆作邻居的棕色小老鼠。汤姆易怒而敏感,杰瑞则独立且投机。精力过剩而顽固的汤姆通常被拥有聪明大脑的杰瑞算计。基本上在每集动画片的结尾,杰瑞都被表现为洋洋得意的胜利者,而汤姆则是悲壮的失败者。但是,也有可能出现以下结局:在很少的情况下,汤姆会获得胜利。有些时候,颇具讽刺意味的是,他们都失败了。不过偶尔,特别是在圣诞节的时候,汤姆往往救了杰瑞的命,或者与杰瑞分享礼物。在大多的剧集中,它们每日的追逐被描绘为一种互相享受的例行公事:在某一个情节中,汤姆被一只母猫所吸引,嫉妒的杰瑞不断地破坏他们的浪漫情节,希望汤姆能看清母猫的真面目。汤姆最后感激地与杰瑞握手——然后又开始了他们永无止境的追逐。 < BACK |