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JEWEL IN THE PALACE 大长今 V1-70END (10DVD) Type : DVD Language : Korean EAN No : 9555329266190 RM 159.90 nett (WM) RM 159.90 Nett (EM) Description: “Jewel in the Palace” is based on a true story about a legendary girl (Jang-Geum) who became the first woman to be the supreme royal physician of her times. Despite her poor condition as a low class girl in the male dominated society, Jang-Geum overcame a series of social discrimination and landed herself as a royal cook, later becoming the royal physician, then ultimately the physician in charge of the king. She was even given by the king the title “The Great Jang-Geum”/ The story of her checkered life on her success and breakdown as well as her love story beautifully unfold. “Jewel in The Palace” is sure to touch your heart. 本故事根据韩国历史上真实人物改编而成。叙述十六世纪中,孤女长今七岁时,父母因卷入宫廷阴谋而遭杀害,为完成母亲的心愿,因缘际会进入宫中之后,因天资聪明和刻苦努力而受到瞩目,但也在宫中人事的倾轧中遭到陷害,甚至还被流放到外岛。但长今不向命运低头,潜心学习医术,并融入宫廷膳食中,最后竟意外挽救王上的性命,受到国王的信赖,成为韩国第一位女御医,并受封为[大长今]。 < BACK |