Description: Side A
1. Intro
2. 最偉大的作品 Greatest Works of Art
3. 還在流浪 Still Wandering
4. 說好不哭 with 五月天阿信(Mayday Ashin)Won’t Cry
Side B
5. 紅顏如霜 Cold Hearted
6. 不愛我就拉倒 If You Don’t Love Me, It’s Fine
7. Mojito
8. 錯過的煙火 You Are The Firework I Missed
Side C
9. 等你下課 with 楊瑞代(Gary) Waiting for You
10. 粉色海洋 Pink Ocean
11. 倒影 Reflection
12. 我是如此相信 I Truly Believe