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ULTRAMAN 机动奥特曼S3 (FINAL) V1-12E(DVD) EAN No : 9555329268682 RM 25.90 (WM) RM 25.90 (EM) Description: Shinjirou, who experienced a nightmare, apparently fails to control his powers and unleashes them, resulting in the city's demolition and leaving thousands injured. With the aliens' objective of successfully making the Ultraman the scapegoat, society begins to refer to him as a "disaster of mankind" and loses faith in him. Meanwhile, an unsettling threat from the Dark Star has been lurking in the shadows. Shinjirou, who has lost everything, and the other five superheroes, can finally put an end to the alien battle? 透过神山健治与荒牧伸志的视角,见识超人力霸王的世界,最终章终于问世!六名战士一字排开:超人力霸王、七号、卫司、佐菲、杰克和太郎能否彻底终结外星人大战? < BACK |