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Yu Yu Hakusho 幽游白书真人版 Vol.1-5 End (DVD)
Type : DVD

EAN No : 9555329265674
RM 29.90 (WM)
RM 29.90 (EM)
Urameshi Yusuke was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his ending it. When he died saving a little kid from a speeding car, the afterlife didn't know what to do with him, so it gave him a second chance at life. Now, Yusuke is a ghost with a mission, performing good deeds at the behest of Botan, the ferrywoman of the River Styx, and Koenma, the pacifier-sucking judge of the dead.
皿屋敷高中的头号不良少年浦饭幽助(北村江海 饰)整日里游手好闲,打架斗殴,是一个人见人怕的可怕存在。这一天,在刚刚暴揍了宿敌桑原和真(上杉柊平 饰)之后,他为了救助一名跑到马路上捡皮球的小男孩而车祸身亡。这边灵魂刚刚出窍,那边黄泉路上的引路人牡丹(古川琴音 饰)便出现并把幽助带到了小阎王(町田启太 饰)那里。从小阎王口中得知,由于幽助的行为属于意料之外的突发事件,因此他得到了积累功德并复活的机会。也正是因为这次意外,幽助得以邂逅妖狐藏马(志尊淳 饰)、飞影(本乡奏多 饰)等好友,并与户愚吕兄弟(泷藤贤一 & 绫野刚 饰)等来自魔界的可怕对手展开精彩对决……
Selepas bertindak dengan mengorbankan dirinya, remaja delinkuen Yusuke Urameshi dipilih menjadi Ejen Alam Roh untuk menyiasat kes yang melibatkan yokai bermasalah.